Targeted Prayer Points for Our Military (That Bring Results)

However, with our lives working at break neck speed, prayer often flat lines or maybe we're at a loss for what you should pray. We quite often settle for vague prayers which ask small of God. God never settles for less than His very best and neither need to we. We've a huge God, who works with big requests.

Easy but Strategic: Prayers for our army need not be intricate containing long winded sentences with fancy words weaved throughout. Who're we attempting to impress? We are not contacting a professor of nuclear power, but to some relational and loving heavenly Father. When it comes to prayer, God desires our center not poetic phrases. With specific prayer areas we pray with confidence using God's Word, being certain, with language that is basic. Praying is just talking to God directly from the heart of yours as in case you are conversing with a close loved one.

Use God's Word:
Among the books on the Bible I like incorporating into my prayer log is the guide of Psalms. The way when I am traveling I may take them with me, or perhaps in those additional busy months and during times which are stressful that I've prayers ready. Take Psalm 34:7 for instance. I create in my journal: "The angel of the LORD encamps around those that worry [honor and reverence] him, and also delivers them" (NRSV). I then will create the reaction of mine to that particular verse: Thank You, Lord, for The promise of yours of protection in problematic or fearful situations. After that , I go on with my prayer bringing in some other verses of Scripture and also working with the suggestions below.

Below are 6 examples of specific prayer points you are able to pray for the armed forces of ours or maybe your service member:

Targeted Prayer Point Example #1: Pray for a good Mind Ask God to help keep your army member's mind clear of negative thoughts. Pray that anxiety does not take their contentment or peace. Ask God to shield him/her from Satan's systems of deception so they are able to discern God's voice out of the enemy's voice.

Targeted Prayer Point Example #2: Plans of Evil Be Exposed Pray that no weapon transformed against our army prosper. Ask God to disclose evildoers and the wicked plans of theirs. Pray that military leaders is painstakingly receptive, industrious, and chronic to uncover some threats to the service members of ours, military bases and the nation of ours. Pray that our adversaries be as minor as "grass atop housetops" (Psalm 129). Ask God to "cut the cables on the wicked" (Psalm 129:4).

Targeted Prayer Point Example #3: For God being our Service Member's Defender/Keeper Rather than simply asking God to maintain your service member safe. Ask Him showing Himself mighty on behalf of people who have placed the trust of theirs in Him. "Those who like me, I am going to deliver; [defend] I'll protect people who realize my name... " (Psalm 91:14 16). As the mountains encircle Jerusalem, therefore the Lord surrounds his people... " (Psalm 125:1 2). Ask the Lord to surround your army member's lifetime with His mighty safety.

Targeted Prayer Point Example #4: the military leaders of ours Ask God for a faith revival to take place in the hearts of our army leaders. Pray that they are going to yield to God's impact, power, and authority. And pray they will guide with integrity and in godly instance to keep our country's track record honorable. Psalm 33:12 claims, "Happy is the country whose God is the LORD... "

Target Prayer Point Example #5: God's Healing: War generates injuries to bodies and also to souls. Ask God to heal internal injuries of shattered emotions, crushed spirits, and impaired minds. "He heals the brokenhearted, and also binds up their wounds" (Psalm 147:2). Pray that the service member of yours is going to seek the best sort of medical help mixed with God's contact for an entire healing.

Targeted Prayer Point Example #6: For Wisdom in Decision Making Ask God to provide them wisdom in the choices they make. Bring understanding to the scenario so wisdom leads to a correct program of action. "If any of you is deficient in wisdom, question God, who provides to all ungrudgingly and generously, and it'll receive you" (James 1:5). Pray for the Holy Spirit to disclose what is unknown, therefore appropriate judgments is made. "Plans are started by taking advice; wage battle when you follow smart guidance" (Proverbs 20:18).

I wished I'd known about praying strategically whenever we have been a military family just getting started. Though I can say that when I started praying in this manner, it made all of the difference. I gained a feeling of peace that I'd adequately covered my children and husband in prayer. And God responded to those prayers, never in how I want to, but in just how that was best. God does reward people who diligently look for Him (Heb.11:6).

In case you much time for the prayers to be better with peace for the heart of yours, use precise prayer areas.

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